The Rice Cakes
2¼ cups of rice
½ teaspoon salt
some banana leaves
1. Cut the banana leaves into rounds to fit a small circular mould and for both sides.
2. Put the banana leaves into the tin with 1 side covered.
3. Pour in the rice mixed with the salt.
4. Cover the other end and tie both ends with rafia string.
5. Boil the lontong for 2 hours.
6. Allow to cool before serving.
The Gravy
200 g cabbage, cut 2 cm wide
200 g long beans, cut 3 cm long
100 g young corn
200 g yam bean, cut into strips (sengkuang)
5 pieces of bean curd, cut in ½ into triangles (taukua)
2 cups of coconut milk, from 2 coconuts ( first)
1 litre of coconut milk, from remaining coconut(second)
1 cm of galangal, crushed (lengkuas)
1 piece of turmeric (kunyit leaf)
2 pieces of bay leaf (daun salam)
1 piece of lemon grass, crushed (serai)
1 teaspoon of sugar
¼ cup of cooking oil
a pinch of salt
To grind
100 g of dried prawns
2 cm of shrimp paste
3 teaspoon of turmeric powder
3 onions
3 cloves of garlic
1 piece of lemon grass
1. Fry all ground ingredients with turmeric powder , lemongrass and bay leaf until fragrant.
2. Add in coconut milk
3. Boil for about 10 minutes
4. Add in sugar, salt and vegetables
5. Let it cook again
6. Add in the first coconut milk and beancurd and then let it boil.