Otak Otak
600g minced fish fillet
240ml milk
2 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
10 tablespoons water
4 fragrant lime leaves (daun limau perut) - finely sliced
20 banana leaves (15 cm wide)
INGREDIENTS (to be pounded together)
1small piece of tumeric
20 dried chillies
6 fresh chillies
25 slices galangal (lengkuas)
5 candlenuts (buah keras)
1 tablespoon shrimp paste (belachan)
3 onions
1) Place the minced fish fillet in a mixing bowl, add water and mix well
2) Add to the mixture the pounded ingredients, mix well
3) Add the eggs
4) Stir well and add the milk, sugar, salt and the finely sliced fragrant lime leaves
5) Spread about 2 tablespoons of mixture onto a piece of banana leaf
6) Fold the banana leaf lengthwise and use toothpicks to fasten the ends
7) Grill for 5 minutes on each side